Better than Uptime Monitoring

There are many reasons why a website does not generate value for the customer. Uptime is only one of them. Leankoala also monitors all important elements of the site, advertising, click-through, performance and much more.

Mehr als Monitoring

JavaScript is executed

No JavaScript errors are thrown in the browser

Login is carried out

Customers can log in and access their profile

Server responds

Server responds with HTTP status code 200

Teasers are shown

The rendered page contains at least nine HTML elements with the class .teaser

Advertising is delivered

A request against the ad server was executed and the ad element is not empty

Detecting pixels are requested

An HTTP request is made against Google Analytics and IVW

For all those who want to get ahead faster.

No matter if developer, product owner or quality assurance company: Manual tests including own hosting and programming effort are hardly needed nowadays. From simple setup to full automation, Leankoala offers numerous features for every user, which ensure less effort and more "koality time".

Until today already 3,898,595,095 Checks performed.

What can Leankoala monitor?

When monitoring and testing websites, Leankoala uses a combination of different approaches. These have proven to be particularly efficient for websites in recent years.

Monitoring with Leankoala
Let's talk
Uptime Monitoring

Uptime Monitoring

Can you visit the website? Do the servers answer as expected?

Klickstrecken Monitoring

Transactional Monitoring coming soon

Can the users still register? Can I add products to the shopping cart and buy them?

Element Monitoring

Elements Monitoring

Are all important elements available on the website? Is the newsletter form still shown? Are all teasers played?

Performance Monitoring

Performance Monitoring

Are there too large images on the website? Is my website too slow?

Werbe und Marketing Monitoring

Advertising and Marketing Monitoring

Is advertising shown? Are the right advertising spaces filled with the right elements? Is the advertising delivery tracked? Are all tracking pixels called up? Does the remarketing work? Do important landing pages work?


even more Monitoring

... on technical errors, SEO and Legal/DSGVO

99 EUR

The following features are included in all our packages.



All sides of a project in view: Continuous checks are easily possible with Leankoala's crawler.

Real Browser

On the move with real browsers: among other things for testing advertising.

Hundreds of standard patterns

Unique pattern recognition: Leankoala suggests the most important checks automatically.


Find components

Quicker to put on: URLs to be tested are proposed automatically.

Content Hook

All new content at a glance: Check advertising, IVW, SEO and more for each new article.

Deployment Hooks

Get Bugs fast: Leankoala checks hourly or after each deployment.


Grafana Export

All metrics in view: Grafana integration included in every package.

Magic URLs

Secure cash cows: Always the latest/most visited URLs in the monitoring.

One-Click Solution

Save important time: Edit most warnings with one click.


No obstacle: Leankoala can also monitor beyond user logins, basic authentication or other login mechanisms.


Intelligent alerting in case of errors: Possible via e-mail, Slack, Microsoft Teams or Webhooks.